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Loneliness, fears and making peace with our demons is a recurrent theme in my work. I had this idea and thought it would look great as a T-shirt. Because why not? It is very much in vogue to share one's own troubledness. So I endeavoured to produce some of them myself. I used phosphorescent ink so that they glow in the dark, it seemed very fitting. It was a very small batch for friends and former lovers but if you want one hit me up, I might make more soon. I made them on white and also on black fabric. Thanks to the best model and workshop assistant Júlia Mulet.

De vegades em sento sola però en realitat vaig sempre molt ben acompanyada. Vaig fer una petitíssima producció de samarretes amb aquest disseny, en tinta fluorescent i negra/blanca sobre samarretes blanques i també negres. Si en voleu una em podeu enviar un mail i potser hi ha sort.

Me aventuré a hacer una pequeña producción de camisetas con este diseño con tinta fosforescente y negra/blanca dependiendo del color de la camiseta. Si quereis una me podeis mandar un mail.
