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Image courtesy of Phillip Tang

2022 Collections is a calendar curated and designed by two friends, Suzie Shin and Jenice Kim. Each month is illustrated by a different artist who was prompted to depict objects that hold personal meaning or are inherently collectibles.
All profits will be donated between two non-profit organizations: Pilsen Food Pantry @pilsen_food_pantry in Chicago, and Heart of Dinner @heartofdinner in New York. Both orgs fight food insecurity in their respective cities by delivering love, care, and meals to vulnerable individuals and families.
Artists in chronological order: Suzie Shin, Tània Manzanal, Jamie Chen, Juan Pantoja, Raven Mo, Doris Liou, Hwarim Lee, Lucy Baik, Wenting Li, Fanny Luor, Lu Zhang, Jenice Kim.
11" x 17" Wire-bound with hook in the center The calendar is 2-color risograph-printed by perfectly acceptable in Chicago.

Calendari solidari sobre el tema de les col·leccions per a l'any 2022. Editat per Suzie Shin i Jenice Kim i imprès per Perfectly Acceptable press. Els beneficis seran repartit entre les ONGs Pilsen Food Pantry a Chicago i Heart of Dinner a Nova York, ambdues organitzacions dedicades a lluitar per proporcionar àpats a persones i families amb falta de recursos.

Calendario solidario para el año 2022 sobre el tema de las colecciones. Editado por Suzie Shin y Jenice Kim, impreso por Perfectly Acceptable press. Los beneficios se reparten entre Pilsen Food Pantry en Chicago y Heart of Dinner en Nueva York, ambas organizaciones dedicadas a garantizar el acceso a la comida para personas y familias con escasez de recursos.